As some have noticed, I haven't blogged much over the last 6 weeks. Instead I've been more active on twitter, the "microblogging" social media platform that limits posts or "tweets" to 140 characters. With my involvement in Livestrong, I first heard about it when Lance Armstrong started using it and quickly became a top 10 tweeter. While similar to a Facebook update, the difference for many is that rather than posting rather mundane items about the awesome burger you ate for lunch or that you're watching American Idol – twitter helps aggregate people with similar interests and passions to find or "follow" each other. So I've been using this great tool to further learn and share about cause marketing. And meet some enlightening and inspiring people and the Good Concepts they are spearheading. Like all social media tools, it provides an easy way to share links to stories, meet people thru other people, and express yourself.
Seems like twitter is talked about everywhere in mainstream media these days, and everyone uses it differently, but for a quick overview see this New York Times story. Or this one from Wall Street Journal.
You can register in 45 seconds and follow me (see what I say and follow conversations) here:
You don't have to cannonball into the water at first. Register, dip your toe-in, and just follow a few people that interest you. Tops in twitter based on followers range from celebs to news to (so called) social media experts. Here's a list. But many of your favorite brands and organizations are on their too. Simply search by their name once registered. Also wefollow categorizes users by topic (I'm registered under marketing, causemarketing, socialentrepreneurship). And twibes lets you create specific groups. I just started a cause marketing twibe.
Finally, twitter has been a great way to road-test some ideas and story items. So I'll be back soon to the Good Concepts blog – am working on a post after a recent family vacation to Disney World called "Disney World Magical But Could Be More Meaningful." Stay tuned.
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